Operatori de testarea stării unui fişier


            Sintaxa de testare folosind unul dintre operatorii descrişi īn tabelul următor este următoarea

-x expr

unde x este unul dintre caracterele din tabel iar expr o expresie şir ce descrie locaţia fişierului de testat.




Is name a block device?


Is name a character device?


Is name a directory?


Does name exist?


Is name an ordinary file?


Does name have its setgid bit set?


Does name have its "sticky bit" set?


Is name a symbolic link?


Is name owned by the user?


Is name a named pipe?


Is name a readable file?


Is name a non-empty file?


Does name represent a terminal?


Does name have its setuid bit set?


Is name a writable file?


Is name an executable file?


Is name an empty file?


How long since name accessed?


Is name a binary file?


How long since name's inode accessed?


How long since name modified?


Is name owned by the "real user" only?*


Is name readable by the "real user" only?*


Is name a socket?


Is name a text file?


Is name writable by the "real user" only?*


Is name executable by the "real user" only?*

* Īn acest caz, utilizatorul real este userid specificat la logare, spre deosebire de ID-ul utilizatorului efectiv, care este userid-ul sub care lucraţi īn mod curent (Comentariul se referă la sistemul UNIX. Pe anumite sisteme o comandă de felul /user/local/etc/suid permite schimbarea ID-ului efectiv.)

© Cornel Mironel Niculae, 2003-2004
